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To just say they are better is just to general of a statement. That is what is causing this. Depending on the enviroment one may be better than the other. The picture is better on a CRT, but they big, heavy, and bulky. But if you can afford the room CRT's are good picture wise for a good price. Also they let off more radiation and are harder on your eyes.

LCD are compact and easier on your eyes. If you want one they looks good for games you may have to dish out a small fortune. Personally I would rather spend that on the internals of my computer, but that is just me.

Actually, I believe I just recently saw a Samsung LCD with an 80ms refresh rate, compared to the more common 120ms refresh rate, so LCDs are slowly improving.

On a side note, I've just purchased a 19" LCD TV/Monitor for my sister's birthday because she needs the extra space in her dorm room, and I've been experimenting lately with it and I must say, I am quite impressed with the overall picture quality of this particular monitor compared to my older LCD monitor...
crtts are better.... unless u care about space issues then lcds are good but not better quality in color etc than a good crt.
Well, thats far from the principle. We arent talking about radiation or your eyes getting hurt. Nor are we talking about the size. Just witch one performs better.

LCDs do have lower refresh rates...however who's gonna need a CRT refresh rate of 100Hz !?

I have a TFT LCD at 72Hz.....and I don't treck to the downstairs PC anymore because the CRT monitor operates at 100Hz- it hurts my eyes because I can't adjust to it. I treck back upstairs only to witness my TFT screen flash before my eyes (but not literally of course).

Anyways enough of my strange affairs... The frequency wont make much difference. Do what you think is wise with your money.
I would take a refresh rate of 500hz. More the better. CRT is better then LCD. Dont post all these, who needs 100mhz or the radiation/size crap. Its not that hard to admit CRT is better.
That is the topic of the thread, encompassing all aspects of good and bad. If eye strain is an issue then it should be mentioned. Do you want to help someone? Or tell them you are right? Tell them what they need to know, then let them decide. Money, image quality, size, weight, response time, longevity, future, etc. All of these things should be addressed. This thread isnt for anyone but the guy askin the question. Opinions and posts saying that we need to admit crt's is better are pointless.
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