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Daemon Poster

I'm Lostman. 28 y/o male. I've been a computer geek in my off time for quite some time now. I build my own and my family's/friends computers and do most of they're troubleshooting.

I'm a imaging supplies buyer by day though.

Hobbies include music productoin. I play the drums, guitar and bass and am learing piano.

I'm also a gamer. I co founded a BF1942 clan (The [FRAG] Army) which was and still is one of the largest clans out there. I quit that to move on to my current venture, www.worldgamingunion.com/forums. It's a free union for gamers to express they're opinions / issues. As soon as the user base grows we'll be able to approach the game distributors with these issues in hopes of getting things changed.

Anyway, that's me. I am also married with 3 kids and look forward to lending a helping hand.
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