First Time PC builder

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hmm, i maybe confused. PCI-Express for AMD are still really expensive, arent they? I dont have a lot of money, so maybe i should just stick with the 754. What is the difference between socket types?
thats not a cpu fan..
i ordered parts 2 days ago and got it today and its my first time too this is what i have.
almost same as yours.

cpu fan(heatsink)

video card i havent purchased yet but thinking of getting ati radeon 9800 pro

powersupply i have 350w right now its from my old computer im planning on getting 450w.
and etc...
IM me on AIM -sn: xnycjames
The Venus 12 is also a pretty good heatsink/fan for AMD 64s from what I have read.

The difference between 754 and 939 sockets isn't much, the 939s are more expensive I will admit, but they generally perform better than the 754. Also, AMD has basically decided that the 939 socket 64 bit proccesors are the right way to go, and they have pretty much stopped manufacturing 754 and 940 socket proccesors, so if you get a 754 socket motherboard, it won't support any newer 64 bit proccesors if you ever wish to upgrade.
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