Do you turn off your PC?

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I turn my pc off when im not in the house or sleeping (as it is in my room) when im not using it i leave it on the log on screen or put it on stand by.
my computer's on 24/7, unless it has got some problem or i'm doing some cleaning or upgrading or something. i only restart it when it needs to b restarted.
Same here. And unfortunately, I have to power down and repower up more often for some odd reason since I swtitched cases.
i leave mine on. it's not good to turn them off all the time. if you leave it on, it will run almost forever... (j/k)
honestly everytime you turn it on, your cold processor and other chips recieve a spike of electricity and then rapidly reach operating temp. this is physically not good on the hardware and could wear it out before it's time.
lol well if you shut it down and don't fire it up again for 7 years, i would hope it still runs!
Major, lol what is it with you and old computers! ;)
The Rage said:
This seems to be the million dollar question.....many forums I've been to someone ALWAYS asks this.

TURN THE PC OFF! Waste of electricity to leave it on.

HAHA :p Why should I? I'm not the one that pays the bills ;)

-Dan The Man
here ya go...
a few more reasons NOT to turn it off!
Reasons to Leave it On

Running Services
Sometimes, your computer performs a function even when you are not sitting at it. Perhaps it acts as your fax machine. Maybe you use it as a web server. Maybe your company uses it as a print server or file server. In these cases, in order to keep those services running, leave your computer on.

Hardware Durability
It is a fact that turning an electrical appliance on puts more stress on that appliance than keeping it running for a long time. The reason is that the initial surge of electricity through the circuits is a traumatic event (shocking, even). Your computer is an electrical appliance, and therefore constant power ups and power downs can wear out the parts before their time. If the durability of your hardware is an issue, then leave it on.

Starting up Windows is a hassle. Sometimes you just want to sit down at your computer and be able to work without having to boot it up and wait for a few minutes. This is a perfectly legitimate desire! If being able to use your computer instantly is important to you, leave it on.

The Big Myth

People will try to tell you that leaving your computer on will open you up to power surges and electrical disasters that will "fry" your computer. This is true, but your computer is susceptible to power surges even if it is off! A power surge travels over electrical wires, and surges don't care if the appliance is on or off. Therefore, if you want to be careful, you should purchase a good surge protector or UPS (uninterruptable power source). Or, for the paranoid, you should unplug your computer altogether when it is not in use.
There you go! That's for all you I-turn-my-computer-off-at-night-because-I-honestly-think-it's-best-for-my-computer...people...

-Dan The Man
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