Do you turn off your PC?

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All three of my PC's that actually work stay on all of the time and I only restart them when I need to but I never shut them down.

-Dan The Man
This seems to be the million dollar question.....many forums I've been to someone ALWAYS asks this.

TURN THE PC OFF! Waste of electricity to leave it on.
I just leave my Athlon on all the time and reboot onece a week but I do turn off my laptop. :)
Heh lol what a funny's really your SHOULDN'T matter how long you leave it on, but obviously you'll be using electricity if you leave it on. Often times I just put my laptop on sleep so it uses very low energy. I can't imagine it uses that much at all at such times. You should really only HAVE to restart it when a program prompts you to, but you're bound to run into a glitch eventually if you just always leave it on.
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