So with that said, how would you improve tech and video game journalism?


Beta member
United States
Hello everyone. I know a lot of us have issues with tech and video game journalism.* I myself love video games and technology and I haven't been happy with how things are done so when it came to me building my own news* site I had a few ideas on things I wanted to fix and things I wanted to change. Then I started realized that one of the biggest disconnects is the lack of trust the community for journalism. So something I came up with is asking "you" the community what you want. We want to build a news site around the community and for the community. I want to build news site for technology and videogames because I love them both but I want to do it. I want to know what you all think is the problem and how it can be done better.

So with that said, how would you improve tech and video game journalism?

Feel free to PM me your email if you want to stay updated on the project.

So, let me know what you all think.
There are video games where you talk to characters in the game, but those are with dropdown selects. It would be interesting for AI to be able to have game characters respond to any thing you type, like a chatbot, or better even, by voice recognition. I don't remember the name of the game, but on my friend's switch there was a game i really enjoyed playing, most of it was going along walking and talking to characters in the game to learn the story. I think voice convos would really have livened it up! I think video game ai is certainly something to include. Especially multiplayer games, how they're done ,etc.

It would also be interesting if you could put up things about virtual reality. This is yet to come on gaming consoles, but yet it would be fun if it does. Nintendo has sadly said it's not interested in bringing VR or even 4K support, hence the switch does not offer this. This would liven up any kinda game. I have been on a roller coasted with virtual reality, it was very cool, but only thing is it would be ore effective if the ceiling was also covered up with the screen, and there was a scene throughout rather than moving from one scene to another, if that makes sense. Just news feed on these things.

These are my takes on gaming and tech. I'd also recommend some gaming videos and reviews, as well as comments sections. Original content is always good, like saying your opinion on things and your experiences, that is likely to drive the most traffic!

Not sure I've answered your question... but good luck !
Personally, I'm not sure how much space there is for written video game journalism, particularly when it comes to reviews. I don't think i've ever read a full review before, I tend to watch videos from youtubers such as Jim Sterling who can show you what the game looks like in the background as they're talking. But i suppose if they keep being written, someone must be reading them.

When it comes to other types of pieces, i'd like to see more investigative journalism. Not going to get political here, but there has been a big expose on sexism at Riot Games recently, and that's the first article i've read (part of) in a long time when it comes to gaming. As an amateur developer, 'd like to see stuff about the state of indie games in comparison to big releases, a comparison of different platforms and their performance (mobile games, web games, steam, etc).

I think my general point is less opinion pieces, more investigative/factual. Talking to employees, getting hold of data, tracking performance of games, etc. For example, a few years ago, when the Tomb Raider game came out, and the publisher said it was "a failure", due to it not making enough money, despite selling something like 3 million copies, most pieces came down to "this is silly, it should've been cheaper". I'd have rather seen (for example) some interviews with other big developers/publishers, asking if this was a unique situation, or if budgets for big releases are always this optimistic.

Good luck with your project!
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