greeting few tech lovers

I must be stupid... I dont get it?

If you refresh the page a lot (using a program that sends thousands of page requests per second rather than one or two a second like a human can) you can increase the load on a connection or service such that it starts to prevent other people from using that connection or service. This is known as a DoS (Denial of Service) attack. While that isn't hacking on its own, it's a common element of network security. Hence the "Almost..."
If you refresh the page a lot (using a program that sends thousands of page requests per second rather than one or two a second like a human can) you can increase the load on a connection or service such that it starts to prevent other people from using that connection or service. This is known as a DoS (Denial of Service) attack. While that isn't hacking on its own, it's a common element of network security. Hence the "Almost..."

I understand what DoS is :cool:

But never heard of that! and didnt know people even do that method LOL,

Id just use hping3.... or like iFargle said LOIC OR HOIC (but this gives you away - shouldnt matter if its a friend or a amateur user/company), atleast with hping3 you can spoof your IP but best to clone a MAC on your wifi card first ;) and of course use other peoples wifi... :cool:
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