Your CPU and modern games: A guide to those building.

Looks readable to me, from what I can gather, the main points are... buy an Intel CPU if you're buying brand new (ideally i3 or above), buy a good PSU, and spend more money on your GPU than CPU (and ideally Nvidia).

Covered it? ;)
Right clearly I have to resort to large imagery to point out the crappy paragraphing. HERE YOU GO xD


See the parts where someone has pressed enter after like having 1 word on a line? That's incredibly annoying.
Right clearly I have to resort to large imagery to point out the crappy paragraphing. HERE YOU GO xD


See the parts where someone has pressed enter after like having 1 word on a line? That's incredibly annoying.
Sorry, but that's not the way it's written. It's how the forum compensates for widescreen. On mine it looks perfect.
Any way to fix that? xD

EDIT: Also, when you quote the post, it seems that those mysterious enters stay. In other words, it's beginning to look more and more like a user problem rather than the forum itself... I've added the right column back to the forums, and it has kinda helped, but I can still clearly see the places where it looks like someone has pressed enter... Honestly I don't think it's the forum compensating, I think it's the formatting lol.
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Great article and very well written!

What sucks is, I spent good money on my current rig , and have a Phenom II X6 1090T sitting under my other desk... off. Sigh....
Sorry if i missed it somewhere, i tag searched but no luck - I've been seeing a lot of games minimum reqs say to have an i5 and recommended specs list an i7.

I thought the big benefit of i7 was hyperthreading, something games really can't take advantage of. Aside from the cache difference between i5 and i7 why do they recommend something that can't be fully utilized?
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