Hi from Texas

I like a few Blue oyster cult songs but not so many as to know the band's names. I like Godzilla the best I think followed by Burnin' for you. The songs that I heard on the radio like "Don't fear the reaper", "OD on life itself" and "This aint thesummer of love" are OK but not my favorites. I am a casual Blue oyster fan I guess. I looked at the swiss cheese hamburger guitar and if the pic is right that is kinda ugly IMO. Grand Funk Railroad is (was??) pretty good. My favorite GFR song is I'm you captain, I just don't know why.
That's mainstream music, It gets old. They have songs that'll rock you but you would have to get the albums to hear 'em. I have lots of favorite songs because they're good.

I only listen to the songs of the original BOC cast because I like the boys. They're still going but only two members are original today, Eric and Buck.

All members of GFR are really talented, they know their instruments. Mel with his bass guitar is the best bassist I've heard. I have the DVD of this concert, CalJam74.

By the way, check out Mark's guitar. It's all aluminum. :)

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You are right most of the radio friendly songs from most bands I like are either so overplayed or too mainsteam and dumbed down to enjoy. Is there any particular BOC album that you would recommend to someone who only knows their radio songs? Do they have any longer jam session type songs?

I have never seen GFR Live before, but that clip is a great performance!
Get the live album, "On Your Feet Or On Your Knees."

Actually I find their first few albums great before their breakup. The boys really had it together. They even play five guitars sometimes which is awesome.

The GFR CalJam 74 is my favorite concert DVD. It's on Youtube. I also Have BOC 76 Live In Largo DVD which is really good. Buck's got a sweet Les Paul in it. There might be some on Youtube. Use the titles as your search word.

Amazingly BOC's still going but only Buck and Eric's the original. They got some talented musicians with them though but it's not the same for me as the boys.
I'll definitly check out that live album. I just watched most of the caljam 74. I really like these kinds of bands. I also love long emotional guitar solos that you can just get lost in a trance while listening.
Yeah I love this song. I read that it was supposed to be called "In the garden of Eden" but the singer was to high to pronounce the words correctly. I don't know how true that is but it makes sense to me. This was actually one of the first riffs I learned on guitar.
I still have some albums including Iron Butterfly but no record player. :)

Yea, I know that riff but I barre it at the 5th fret so I can use the heavy strings. I'd have to say he's got a sweet guitar and it's familiar but I can't think what it is.
I played it while barring the 5th and I think I like playing the open way better because it makes the little arabian sounding part easier. Then again thats the muscle memory talking. As far as the guitar goes I think it may be an old Raven Mosrite or some kind of Teisco, or a Univox? I have no idea but those three have similar models or did. I only seen those guitars in old 60's and 70's concerts though.
I knew it's one of those but I did think Mosrite. I played it at the 5th fret because I like the way the C note sounded on the 6th string. Of course it all depend on the amp and how they sound.
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