keyboard probs persisting

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h, g, and 'backspace' will not work without serious bashing, leading to bouts of computer rage.

Short of looking behind the keyboard, which I don't know how to do, I have popped out the suspect keys and jabbed at the plastic knob behind. This helped a lot initially, but the problem has come back again. 'ave also tried cleaning the keyboard using a vacuum!

Sometimes, these letters work normally if I press lightly 2/3 times and sometimes not all.

Presume this is a hardware issue, but I wondered if it could be virus related since h, g, and backspace are critical keys and no other keys are affected. However, scanning doesn't detect any viruses.
As I write this thread, the keys function almost normally, which I suspect is a ruse to increase my frustration the next time it starts.

Is replacing the entire keyboard an option? I use a Compaq Armada m700 laptop. Not sure how to replace keybaords. How is this done?

Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

Have you accidentally poured some kind of liquid onto the keyboard without knowing it? Does anybody else use your laptop? If so,they might have poured liquid accidentally and are maybe trying to cover it up.If this problem continues then I think you should get a new keyboard.It might be a virus,not sure.
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