Wait, you eat razorz?

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Baseband Member
Phila., Pa
Hello everyone!

I found this site through Google. I'm building a new machine, but I'll address that in another post.

First I'll explain the username. Back when Halo2 was something people played over Xbox Live on the original Xbox I decided sign up about a year after the initial rush. Of course that meant all the typical names were in use, so I thought up the most most ridiculous thing I could at that moment. So from that point on iEatRazorz has been my online tag.

Far as technical experiences go, I repaired a PS1 without internet access in grade school. I was also the guy everyone went to for computer help. At this point though, It's been six years since I've had a desktop, and have been able to actively keep up with my digital hobbies.

Um, what can I say?

How about this:

Archer: Can you put it in a person's brain?
Krieger: It'd suffocate.
Archer: Not the rabbit, you idiot - the chip.
Krieger: Oh yes, absolutely.
Archer: Without killing the person?
Krieger: Oh... maybe?
Archer is the greatest show ever!Welcome to the forums :thumbsup:
I'd have to agree. I bought the DVD's for it. Only other shows I've done that with were Nurse Jackie and Wild Boys. Not really big on TV otherwise. I like reading, my games, and messing around with creative outlets on the comp.
Welcome to the Forums. I to am the Person eveyone seems to come to for Help with their Computers. Thing is I dont have alot of experience with the Newest of tech, so for me its alot of the older Boards and the likes of System Builds ect:.
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