anyone else is tired of these BS upgrades?

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Daemon Poster
it seems that companies dont spend any time developing the new products they just slap them together and release as quick as they can.
and then when enough people bought the product and complained they release an "updated version of product" with all the nice features that the first version didnt have.
then completely cut off the support or updates for the first version of the product. in other words kill it.

so back then, company would spend many hours making sure that they release a products that meets the standards, and works AS ADVERTIZED.

somehow the "consumers" got brainwashed into thinking that its OK to buy ****ty and not fully developed products.
its like the manufacturer just shifted the QA responsibility onto the customer and customers are so happy to spend their hard earned cash on some toy that should still be in testing but yet its on the market with 100s of bugs that shouldnt be there.

2 examples from my personal experience.

seagate freeagent home theater+ was great, for very short time and got killed off by the "new and improved" box from seagate.
leaving 1000s of users that literally just bought the freeagent theater+, pretty much "****ed" no other word to describe it.
and to add to the insult they have locked the firmware with their new update so we cant even attempt to make work out the bugs
and yes theres many bugs and with every new firmware the device worked slower and slower( i went from 1.55 to 2.23 back to 2.20) because latest update made it ridiculously slow.

second example

i literally just received the lenovo mini wireless keyboard
and of course theres no backlights on it( well duh who the f needs a backlight on a remote with full keyboard right?) its not like we gonna use it mostly for HTPC, like u know watching TV ONLY during the day or ducktape an LED light to it or something fancy..

so i go to lenovo page and surely theres an updated version with backlight and much better design.

now i bought it thinking that its at least fully functional keyboard, but now im stuck at a bios prompt askin me to press F1 key and yea theres none and i dont have a usb keyboard.

im so fkn frustrated right now with all this bs im ready to smash my netbook in pieces and send all these gadgets back to the manufacturer.

in addition i cant even get my windows to install on the foxconn nt525 netbook even after using windows7 usb boot tool. it just doesnt recognize it as bootable drive even with proper settings in bios

all of these **** manufacturers claim that their toys should make our life easier but i think its backwards, because everyone is trying to push their agenda and nobody wants to work together.

im just so **** tired of this crap and money wasting on stuff that doesnt work like advertized.
it seems that companies dont spend any time developing the new products they just slap them together and release as quick as they can.
and then when enough people bought the product and complained they release an "updated version of product" with all the nice features that the first version didnt have.
then completely cut off the support or updates for the first version of the product. in other words kill it.

so back then, company would spend many hours making sure that they release a products that meets the standards, and works AS ADVERTIZED.

somehow the "consumers" got brainwashed into thinking that its OK to buy ****ty and not fully developed products.
its like the manufacturer just shifted the QA responsibility onto the customer and customers are so happy to spend their hard earned cash on some toy that should still be in testing but yet its on the market with 100s of bugs that shouldnt be there.

2 examples from my personal experience.

seagate freeagent home theater+ was great, for very short time and got killed off by the "new and improved" box from seagate.
leaving 1000s of users that literally just bought the freeagent theater+, pretty much "****ed" no other word to describe it.
and to add to the insult they have locked the firmware with their new update so we cant even attempt to make work out the bugs
and yes theres many bugs and with every new firmware the device worked slower and slower( i went from 1.55 to 2.23 back to 2.20) because latest update made it ridiculously slow.

second example

i literally just received the lenovo mini wireless keyboard
and of course theres no backlights on it( well duh who the f needs a backlight on a remote with full keyboard right?) its not like we gonna use it mostly for HTPC, like u know watching TV ONLY during the day or ducktape an LED light to it or something fancy..

so i go to lenovo page and surely theres an updated version with backlight and much better design.

now i bought it thinking that its at least fully functional keyboard, but now im stuck at a bios prompt askin me to press F1 key and yea theres none and i dont have a usb keyboard.

im so fkn frustrated right now with all this bs im ready to smash my netbook in pieces and send all these gadgets back to the manufacturer.

in addition i cant even get my windows to install on the foxconn nt525 netbook even after using windows7 usb boot tool. it just doesnt recognize it as bootable drive even with proper settings in bios

all of these **** manufacturers claim that their toys should make our life easier but i think its backwards, because everyone is trying to push their agenda and nobody wants to work together.

im just so **** tired of this crap and money wasting on stuff that doesnt work like advertized.

I went through a lost of frustration in my past of building PC's. But the more time you spend doing your research, the better, it's so valuable it's not even funny. Anything you screwed up, it simply a lesson learned. That's all I can say for now.
if manufacturers only brought out one product a year that worked really well then they wouldnt be able to take full advantage of the market out there.
People have budgets, as hard as it is to imagine :p and they need to be able to offer a part to anyone at any level otherwise they cut out half their market.
And appeal to the people who dont want to spend alot of money, sure its trouble down the line but at the time of purchase those people are happy with what they bought usually :p

they're in the business of making money, they're not making these parts for the sheer fun of it or like these forums doing it because they love technology.

I tell you yesterday I went into a sony shop and i had to stop myself from interjecting between a salesman and some poor guy who was buying his kid some crap and got talked into buying a £50 HDMI cable when you can get them for 15. but the way i figure, if hes stupid enough not to ask the right questions when comparing the two, and he has the money then good on sony.
first off i did spend some time researching the controlled for car PC thats how i found this lil keyboard, and with so many products available you cant possibly find every single product on the WORLD market and keep up with the updates that are coming out faster than you make holes in your socks.
i thought that this was the latest from lenovo, and accidentally saw a picture of the new remote after i bought the old model.

well i mean seriously.
compare the N5902 and N5901 model of the lenovo remotes.
and you tell me if the upgraded version could have been possible with just a LITTLE BIT more research by lenovo about what consumers want.

check out the video and see for yourself

why are we( consumers) have to be the ones doing research to find what products are worth buying.
no im not talking about doing research to see what product is right for you. im talking about making sure you dont get ripped off.
ultimately i do belive that its not just the company's fault, but the stupid consumer's fault for not organizing, and standing up and telling the comanies to stick their premature born product up the "***".

when you go to car stereo shop, do you expect to walk out of there with only 3 speakers working instead of 4 like they promised?
do you go to tint shop and expect to have light gaps on your windows?
do you go to buy a brand new 2012 80,000 dollar car and expect it to come with a tape player instead of MP3 capable navigation system?
probably not, but you saying its OK to buy products with obvious design flaws that should have been taken care of during research and development?

i mean the first thing that i noticed is the lack of backlight, the loose trackball and lack of scroll bar.
i guarantee that the people that tested it also probably figured that out but fro whatever reason did not change the design or improve it.
instead they just released it to the market and then made a NEW AND IMPROVED version of same remote with all the features that were missing from first one.

that way lenovo probably didnt spend sht on research. instead, we now have to spend twice the amount of cash to buy another remote.
thats what i call BS upgrade, a dishonest company, taking advantage of stupid consumers, whose fault is that? both the company's for beeing greedy and dishonest.
and consumers for beeing lame couch potatos unable to fight back and tell a company that their ****ty product is not worth the money he paid for it.

the problem we have is people taking sides.
you re a business owner 9-5 and you expect people to pay more for your labor/product
then you get off work and go to wallmart and complain about price increase on your favorite pair of 20 dollar shoes that are now 22 dollars.
thats double standard and it doesnt do anything besides creating imbalance between consumer and business.
i have a budget too,not very hard for me to imagine lol very small budget sometimes.
and thats another reason why we "the tech savvy" or whateer the name is, people are the worst enemies of companies because we can interfere and tell a noob customer not to buy something because theres a better choice available.
which should be a salesman's job, thats why they are called "sales assistants" so they can help a customer to find what he needs, and use their knowledge of the product to pick the best choice for the customer, not sell him whatever much they can.
but unfortunately i dont think its possible in present world.
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