New Style for Tech-Forums


Grandfather of Techist, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Staff member
The South
I am pleased to announce the release of Tech-Forum's new, completely customized style! Yes, it has been a long time coming, but this puppy is unique, made by our very own Baez. It would have been finished sooner, but vBulletin decided to make a lot of changes in their templates in its two most recent updates, which put Baez through his paces trying to get everything up and running a second time. The staff thinks it looks awesome and is a job very well done.

Even though the senior staff have been using the new style since Baez got it cobbled together, we know that you, the members, may come across things we have missed. Because of this I will post a bug thread so that these can be reposted and taken care of ASAP. Please only post BUGS in the bug thread. You can post your thoughts on the style here.

We have plans for some additional styles/skins that will be based from this one to give people some options as far as colors go. Why restrict something good to a single hue, right?

I do hope you enjoy the new style as much as I do. More things are in the works and will hopefully see the light of day before much longer. Until then, enjoy!
I saw the Twitter page update earlier today and now this :omg: incredible work :thumbsup:
Awesome. It was cool when I refreshed the page and the style went from the old one to this. I jumped back and had to make sure I was still on TF :D

Love it :thumbsup:
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