Wanting to replace the fan on CPU cooler

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Grandfather of Techist, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Staff member
The South
OK, I have this one:
Newegg.com - ARCTIC COOLING Freezer 64 Pro 92mm Ceramic CPU Cooler

Here's some shots of it:






It uses a 92mm fan and is very quiet, which is good, but I want more air put through it instead of it just being quiet.

As you can see from the pics, the fan and shroud are made sort of funky. The fan is mounted on rubber prongs to reduce vibration noise and the shroud seems to be attached pretty good. I don't want to break it getting it off and it feels like it might.

I want some help from you all on how to go about this. I haven't ordered a fan yet, but it will have to be a cheap one for now. As in $10 including shipping.I can replace it later on but only have a MIR NewEgg card to use for now. :(
Here is the best link I could find to a forum talking about replacing the fan. In the end, if you really desired cooler temps then tape may work fine, but there is quite an interesting idea at the bottom of the page I linked.

I would recommend This Fan as well, it can be a bit noisy (didn't bother me) but it pushes a pretty nice amount of air.
It might come to that. :D

I could fabricate a wire harness without much trouble, but I want to be able to remove the current fan/shroud without destroying it.
If you want to remove the whole thing ( Just the fan/retainer and just have the heatsink on it's own ready for you to attach a fan then it's quite simple use a flat headed screwdriver on both sides, but I don't think that's what you want. Either way, let me know how it goes, you may have to do some modding :p
The shroud and fan are held onto the heatsink by these clips. If your careful it should come off OK.


If your not concerned with noise then this fan RULES the 92mm category.

Newegg.com - VANTEC TD9238H 92mm Case Fan

If you want a more conventional fan then I would go with this Silverstone. It kicks out a bunch of air and it's adjustable if the noise level needs to be reduced.
SilverStone SST-FM91 (Silver Panel White Fan) Case Fan with Manual Adjustable Fan Controller- 92mm Products Model: SST-FM91 [SST-FM91] : Performance-PCs.com, ... sleeve it and they will come
The shroud and fan are held onto the heatsink by these clips. If your careful it should come off OK.


If your not concerned with noise then this fan RULES the 92mm category.

Newegg.com - VANTEC TD9238H 92mm Case Fan

If you want a more conventional fan then I would go with this Silverstone. It kicks out a bunch of air and it's adjustable if the noise level needs to be reduced.
SilverStone SST-FM91 (Silver Panel White Fan) Case Fan with Manual Adjustable Fan Controller- 92mm Products Model: SST-FM91 [SST-FM91] : Performance-PCs.com, ... sleeve it and they will come

yeah it comes off really easy.

I either use my teeth or a flatheaded screwdriver if theres one handy :p
Good to know that it actually comes off. It is tight so I wasn't sure if it was a separate piece of not. ;)

Now I am stuck with a dilemma. I can swap out the fan on the heat sink and hope my new fans make a difference, I can tough it out running my case without the side until I can get better case, or I can look into modding my side panel to add a mesh window. I got to thinking about it at work and am leaning toward modding the panel if I can get the stuff for it cheap enough.
Posting an update.

I just finished swapping out my old 80mm fans for a completely new set of Masscool 80mm's. I also got a Xigmatech 120mm and jerry-rigged it in my empty 5.25" bays (removed the covers and used zip ties to suspend it).

With the side on and the door shut on the front of the case my CPU is running 48C 52C after an hour at load, 44 with the door open. That's a long way from the original 66C I was getting with the old fans and the paste that came on the heatsink. So, a combination of TX-2 and new fans seems to have fixed the heat problem. Not bad for a net of about $20 (thanks to a MIR card).
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