Can a full HD slow down gaming?

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Troll Patrol
Over the Rainbow
I've got a fairly small HD on my new system (148GB, 7200RPM).

Just wanted to know if you have a closer to full HD (installed games, mainly) will games run slower?

Obviously I'd only be running one game at a time, just wondering if having other installed will slow performance.

It's only at 100GB right now, I want to throw another 20GB on it but don't want performance to go down.
Nope, they're not going to run slower. Not to any noticeable degree, anyway.
No problem. Though, I forgot to mention, you do want to leave at least what, 2GB of space? For the paging file (when the HD is used instead of RAM). That's about the only limit I can think of.
SSDs do lose performance as they get near full capacity, though, I believe.
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