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Sorry but most of our views are completly differnet I think (i probably also) that you relate censorship to something else but it is completly different then how censorship works. We both ask critical questions but the other fails to awnser it. We need to have a quick cross-examination of what each other says. I think the only way to get all the facts across completly would be to IM each other as i suggested before. You said the you wouldnt let me off so easy by letting us IM, but that is quite to the contrary, It would make us both forced to awnser a question and we wouldnt have time to look it up to back what we said before up. I will ask an admin if we can post it (last time someone said they wouldnt allow IM's)
play2lose we dont think were both "so smart" we actually think that one of us is very smart while the other a dunce. It's to bad we both have the same view. (dunce as in this topic shoobie ;) )
1. I haven't had the need to look anything up for this discussion, except the URL for the ACLU.
2. I haven't got the time to spend in an IM session, and I certainly don't have enough time to cross-examine what I put down already. I don't need to.
3. I like keeping this here, because other people get to read it.
I think your being a little dense.... You do have enough time if your going to take so much time to write each reply... It would be done if we just IM'd it out.
It doesn't take me long to write a response. I think I've pretty much covered all bases anyway.

Maybe the problem here is that our credentials aren't lining up.
If you wanna see how good my credentials and opinions why dont you IM me :p
It knida makes since dosnt it? Nothing but what you know to back you up... You HAVE to awnser the questions... Fast responce and no more missleading info.
I'm not IM'ing you, kid. Get over it.

It's not running from the problem, and I'm not wasting more of my time carrying this conversation into my home. If you have concerns beyond what I've laid out, you can post them while I'm watching this, 7-6, M-F.

How would it be "runnig away from the problem" it sounds to me it would have us run smack-dab in the middle of it?
Actually, I think -you- ran "smack-dab in the middle of it."

I'm not taking an hour+ out of my personal time to hold your hand and go back over what's already said.

Re-read this whole thread.

When you're done with that, and you feel you're still lacking, then I would suggest you:

1. Read the full Constitution.
2. Read the full Bill-of-Rights (with all amendments).
3. Take time to consider the workings and proceedings of the government output you see on CNN.
4. Take some college classes in government and politics.
5. Get a job that deals with heavy security issues and installations, and technology for the public.
6. Work regularly with government organizations. (FBI, CIA, NRO, LC, NA, SC, for starters.)
7. Spend 15+ years traveling the globe (with optional exceptions of Southern-Africa, Antarctica, and Southern-South-America).
8. Re-read this thread.

And if all else fails: Join a support group for “people like you.”
Why dont you think that an IM would settle this? Im sure it would be easy for you to slaughter me in an IM conversation because, obviously from your last post, I'm a moron. You made it sound like you "traveled the world" for 15 years.... that would put you at 37 plus or minus a few years. You really dont traveling untill your past college (ages 0-17 really wouldnt count becasue you are not thinking of world issues and not paying close attention to the area) I couldn't see you at 35 because you said in an earlier reply that you were going to F*** your girlfriend... Do you take me for a fool? I dont think that ensrship by the goverment is right. Obviously republicans and democrates have different views. Does that mean if a liberal belives one way then all others are inferior simpleton that should not be heard?
You said that i ran smack dab in the middle of this.... yeah... i did. I brought it up how much closer could I be. You use examples of censorship that dont fit and missleading. I want to IM so YOU get back on subject.
I dont think OhGrFreak meant this as an insult but he sadi you were a "borg collective" at one time. Shoobie submit and drink the Kool-Aid.
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