$800 Budget- CPU+ Heatsink, RAM, MOBO, GPU

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just tower. got everything else. I would also like to keep everything stock . no overclocking for me

cpu + cpu cooler
graphics card

max budget $800

windows 7 system dx11 gaming
will most likely not photoshop
using 22" monitor 1680x1050

rest of system is in sig

thanks in advance
Gaming at 1680x1050 GTX470 vs HD5850 vs HD5870

I can buy any of these cards right now but I need help deciding which is the best bang for the buck because I am on a tight budget

Also, which cpu, ram, and mobo do you techies recommend for gaming when it comes to bang for the buck.
Re: Gaming at 1680x1050 GTX470 vs HD5850 vs HD5870

The 5870 is a much better card out of the 3, and just a tad slower than the GTX480.

If you're partial to Intel, the i5-750 or the i7-930 are some of the better choices from Intel.

If you want to save money, go with AMD. The new Thuban 6 core is out, which is a decent performer, from what small amount of benches I've seen, or there's the Phenom II X4 line. Ram will be totally dependent on what processor/motherboard you get, but usually OCZ Gold/Platinums are always a good bet.
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