Just installed 4GB of RAM but only 3.25 available?

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There are chipsets that can only allocate a max of 4 GB no matte what OS you ahve. Had a similar issue with a friend who thought it was great to have a new system - he didn't do his homework and bought a motherboard that would only support 4gb even though he had windows 7 64 bit.
So...what's the problem? The chipset can only address 4Gb of ram, but he's only got 4 gigs installed anyway so what's the problem with that?
The 4GB includes the memory on the GFX card, therefore cutting down the available RAM.
I was feeling pretty bad after just buying 4GB of RAM and taking out my the 2GB of RAM when I could have just bought a 2GB stick and savedmyself some money but there are loads of people who have bought 8GB of RAM and can only use 3.25GB.
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