Check this beast out.

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El Mágico
You get these from time to time.

I remember the last lan party I went to where there was some guy with a laptop with a 21 inch display and SLi.
I seriously wonder what the point is when they get that big...

I could actually see the point in that. If you play at a lot of LANs it'd be better than lugging around a desktop made for LANs...Plus I'm sure if it's 21" i'd hope it had the hardware to back it up :\

^^ I really couldn't see the point in a mobile server though. You'd think you want it in a stable environment..not roaming around everywhere.
i could actually see the point in that. If you play at a lot of lans it'd be better than lugging around a desktop made for i'm sure if it's 21" i'd hope it had the hardware to back it up :\

^^ i really couldn't see the point in a mobile server though. You'd think you want it in a stable environment..not roaming around everywhere.

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