win98 DELL Setup devices unknown

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Edit: i got the devices to show up if I DO NOT plug in the slave drive.
primary drive 0 ..............Hard Drive
Primary Drive 1...............Unknown
Secondary drive 0..........CD-Rom Reader
Secondary Drive 1...........Unknown
Plugging the slave drive in wioll turn all deveices to unknown. Changing suspend to S1 instead of S3 will make CD-Rom Reader unknown.

umm..what is cable select?
I've never heard of cable select to be honest..
The way I've been trying to do it.. Is taking it apart, and plugging master into the drive so it can boot.. But it hasn't worked yet.
I'm gonna try it another way..

K, clear question: Do i have cable select? and how do I manually set up the drives?
in setup they were showing up on detect, and I couldn't change it. is that cable select? I still dont know how to manually set up my drives.
You need to set the jumpers on the back of the drives. Take a look at them they generally let you know which jumpers to set for master and slave.
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