Keyboard Malfunction

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Solid State Member
Hello, my laptops keyboard has stopped working properly. 'U' now types 4, 'I' 5, 'J' 1, 'K' 2, 'L' 3, 'M' 0 etc. The only buttons effected by this are the ones with numbers on the letter, so not e, r, t etc.

Any help would be appreciated!
^yes that would be my assumption as well. Either that, or like majistic said, you have one heck of an advanced dust problem roflmao. This thing takes control of your keyboard,...make sure you don't let it transfer to will start talking and only numbers will come out. (sorry, couldn't resist)
Somebody else told me it was a problem with number lock, but on my laptop there is only a button for number scroll and not number lock.
Laptop keys can be popped out as well correct? I tried with my mom powerbook and they don't seem like they come off easily, I don't wanna break any :/
They can come out but depending upon your model they can be a pain to put back in. My daughter pulled a bunch out on my sony and it took 3 hours to put them back in and she broke xome of the plastic pins on them as well.
theres nothing wrong with the keys, just the num lock. like hefemeister said, the pins (clips) on the reverse side break easy!!! This is really strange, but I had a phone call about 1 hour ago from my friend bryan. He was having the same issue. Only thing for him was that it was an older Toshiba without any marked number mappings on the keys. But yea, just like the other suggestions ... hold down the fn key and release the numlock or hit the release it if it doesn't have a function key association. Give us the make and model and we can find out where the lock is.
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