Only in America...

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^ Speaking the truth.

Almost as dumb as the woman who spilled hot (read HOT!) coffee in her lap after buying one at McDonald's, then sued them because she didnt know it was HOT ! Where can we sue people for being such idiots , coz I'd like to know
*Musical number*
Chuck E Cheeses....
Where a kid can be a kid!!!!!
*Musical number ends and fast voice starts the disclaimer*
"as long as the kid is not famous and doesn't have more money than she/he knows what to do with then political correctiveness comes into action"

In other news.... she looks really familiar....
kind of like this other famous singer I know from TV...
oh wait.....
So, at least she has her alternative identity that is free from all criminal and civil charges.
the easiest way to attack someone is to label them a racist, I don't know of a faster way to make someone back pedal. Racial problems are still very big in the US, communities are very much segregated by color and people are very sensitive and fast to accuse someone as racist.
This is why stupid people shouldn't pro-create, drive a car, or try to give advise on tech forums...

People should just try to WORK for a living instead of looking for ANY stupid reason to get a hand out...

BTW... Please don't let this get out of hand for flame spray, or anything that might get it closed and deleted... this can be a decent discussion if we let it.
The group most discriminated against in the US right now are those overweight... but that never gets on the news.
And according to statistics 68% of Americans are "obese". Of course, that is a relative term but I think they are basing that on the BMI.

So how ironic is that ? One of the most discriminated groups also comprise one of the largest demographic groups :freak:
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