Can't add custom Avatar..

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Papa Chester
Afghanistan Campaign Veteran
Sorry if this is the wrong section, I'm a veteran to boards, so I think this would be OK here..

I've been trying to add the AMD Phenom logo for my avatar, and nothing seems to work... I've tried saving and uploading, and even copying an image location..

No workey... Do I need certain permissions, user status to do it??
You have all the right permissions as far as i can see, post a link to the image you want and I will see if i can add it to your profile.
I've noticed a couple other newer users saying they couldn't add a new avatar when it was over the size the of the required specs. vB wouldn't downsize it automatically and it worked once they cropped it to the proper size.
I think at 250 posts you get 100x100 before that you get 80x80 and no it will not let you upload one larger than that. I have tried. ;) There are also file size limitations as well.

here is the info
More info:

Registered Users (0 -39 posts):

* Only forum provided avatars (currently being added)
* Profile pic, 100x100 & 62k
* Text only sigs
* Forum titles

Registered Users Extra (40 - 249 posts):

* Same as above
* Custom avatars allowed, 80x80 & 20k

Registered Users Extra BST (100+ posts):

* B/S/T forum available

Registered Users Extra 2 (250+ posts):

* Same as above
* Custom avatars allowed, 100x100 & 25k
* Graphics and Text sigs allowed (according to the rules)
* Custom forum titles.
Yeah that's exactly it hef thanks mate. I'm a little tired this morning. Not on the ball so I forgot to get a link :p.
The resizing issue has fixed as my current avitar is well over the size it resized it for me just fine.
Yeah it's fixed for us mate. We're allowed 120x120. It's for newcomers that have 80x80 and possibly the long term users with 100x100.
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