Render farms

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Beta member
can anyone find me a useful guide on how to make a render farm?

Also every year when i tend to get a new computer i still have a fairly okay computer just sitting around, is there any way i can link two pc's or more together to make a faster functioning PC? Or even take the processor out and by some divine miracle make a dual processor by pairing it with my main processor?

sorry if this isnt in the right section
Here's a render farm how to. I've always wanted to try putting one together, but I've never had a reason to. If you end up doing it let us know how it works.

As for the dual processor thing, the only way you could do it is with a special (expensive) motherboard and two identical processors.
actually, with a bit of engineering know how and some practical skills you can hook up many many CPUs and mobos and RAMs etc... thats how they make massively parallel supercomputers... if you need a bit of info, hit me up... i built a xbox "supercomputer" a couple years back, but its been a while now, so i'll kinda be relearning it if you wanna get taught
Things have changed, you can make a render farm with one single system:


...having eight graphics processors work in parallel allows this system to perform as fast as 350 modern CPU cores for our tomography tasks, reducing the reconstruction times from several weeks (on a normal PC) to hours. FASTRA is made completely from consumer hardware and contains four NVIDIA 9800GX2 graphics cards, each containing two GPUs. And guess what .. this system costs less than 4000 euro!
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