Alienware Face lighting (Is modding this possible?)

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First off you are going to take that plug out to see. Sounds as though the led is burnt out. If so take the old one in and compare it to a new one you can buy. most likely you will have to solder something.
The led was taken out. I believe the outlet took it out, so that it is not fully original I guess.
I gave him links to different LED's also (3mm and 5mm if I remember right...maybe it was just 5mm, can't remember).
yeah those were all 5mm lol.

So radioshack dosent handle 3mm ones?
Meh, looks like I will just get new cables with the led included. Now, anyone know a popular electronic store that might sell them? I am thinking frys. (I noted most of them come in long, Can I just cut them to fit my plug? or is it really just better to get a new cable with everything included?)
Yes, I'd done all of that, I just need to find the correct Size LED.

Looks like I got no option but to get the full wire and led set.
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