Projector... or Large Monitor?

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:freak: If you have a bit of know-how you could build your own projector....One of those "Overhead" projects. Im dying to do one. But the size of the finished toy is a buzz kill:( , not to mention the needed cooling is MORE noise and Expended heat into your small room. On the otherhand, the whole bragging thing about them is theyre resolution being (supposedly) great, rivaling some of the nicer mounted projectors. I must say, the ones Ive seen videos of look pretty clear. And thats through the perspective of a crappy video:eek: . And a 6ft monitor just seems to appeal to me for some reason:D . Ive priced parts for the project over and over and it always seems to range in the neighborhood of about $200+, so you would actually have enough left over to get a nice size LCD to go with it:cool: . Maybe you could build a nice case of some sort for it and make it a table, But its just a suggestion since it would still be like having Frankenstein sittng in your room.:laughing: I just dont think the noise would bother me bad enough to not want my wall covered with a 6ft monitor, LOL
You can look them up (see them) on youtube, and instructions for them are all over the internet.

And then Ive also seen some ok used mounted projectors on ebay from time to time. You just have to kinda wait around and keep checking for them to get a good price.
meh, I might try to rig a ghetto overhead projector as mentioned sometime during the summer

but atm, I decided to go with a 22" monitor! now its just time to search for a cheap one!

I'll probably also pick up a nice size tube TV or something...
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