SMod promotion

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Grandfather of Techist, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Staff member
The South
Due to his continuous dedication and exemplary leadership, Dave and I are pleased to announce the newest addition to the rank of SMod... nitestick.

nitestick has shown himself to be a true asset to Tech-Forums, both by being diligent about is duties as a mod and leading by example with his behavior. nitestick will be a grand addition to the already awesome mod lineup that we are privileged to have on Tech-Forums.

Congratulations, nitestick. You have earned this... wear it proud.

Congrats Nitestick, enjoy that bigger Unlimited Usage Ban Hammer (Warning: its kind of heavy)
It's part of becoming a man vern. He'll get used to it. Go on nitestick, swing like it's a billy-club.

Congrats Nite. The Hammer isnt that heavy. :p

Another well deserving promotion.
congrats nitestick....use the hammer of justice wisely.

When are you guys going to be looking for new mods...last i heard it would be quite a while since you have a great line up currently.
So, what is the promotion exactly? Just a rank within the forums?
Please explain :)
Hes now a Smod, guessing a Super Mod which gives him more authority and with that responsibility.

He basically is a knowledgeable and valuable member that people can trust.
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