Need help building a PC in Philadelphia area

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Haha, and so are you. You got quite a humor to you.

Well I kind of operate my own business of sorts, consulting for on-site repair and networking. If I had to rate my own technical wisdom compared to others I have seen, I would certainly rate myself at least a 9, maybe even a 10!

I deal with an array of issues that I believe would astonish most basement-dwelling nerds, whether it be electronics repair all the way to VoIP setup, you order it, we'll do it.
Only way to make money unless you want to come to my house, that's the way I look at it. I live out in the boonies, I wouldn't make money without such steep fees.
I've found a Computer Science PhD candidate who has agreed to help me. So far, I've been impressed. I'll let you all know how it goes.
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