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Baseband Member

I recently stumpled upon 'BumpTop', and it looks amazing, however, It's not even in Beta testing yet. Are there any things like it for windows? I know theres '3D Desktop' for linux.... And i've tried 'Real Desktop'... which takes up a huge amount of ram, and isn't very functional... is there anything else??'


-Donald j
Bumptop ain't gonna be for Windows/ Linux/ Mac, they will make their own type of machine. Bumptop may look good but it is dysfunctional. Just some VRML programming.
Actually if you look at the new OS X that is comig out. They are doing stacks as well. Which is what Bump Top kinda does but on a 3d desktop. The stack feature is very useful and after apple does it i bet that Windows and Linux wont be far behind.
I believe that 2D desktops will steadilly be evolved to 3D desktops like Makaveli213 said.

Evolving to achieve perfection. However on Windows the exact opposite happens. :):):):):):D
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