Alien Tower overheating

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In Runtime
Burlington, Wisconsin
I had a customer bring his Alien tower in to the shop today and said that it is overheating. He said something about the thermocore having to be recharged or fluid added... I know nothing about the high end gaming boxes. Can someone give me some info on it? Thanks

I dunno about this either but you can probaly look at the Alienware support area and look for a FAQ on changing the fluid and where to buy it, probaly from them.
it says on the alienware website that they sell the coolant refill bags and you order them off the website. It does say in a press release that they coolant is a special mixture so I assume that your "Average Joe" sells it at the corner market. But then again they are owned by Dell so they do silly things quite often, so just call in and ask to buy another bag, and if they don't sell them be like wtf rotfl where can I get some then miss/mister?
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