Monitor resetting

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I have not tried VGA mode. But if it changes things the computer is not resetting the windows resolution or refresh. The monitor is changing its own settings, brightness, vertical and horizontal stretch etc.
yea but it might not be able to cope withw indows settings, so try changing them. start vga mode> right click desktop, properties>settings> change it to 1024 x 768 and put the fresh rate to 60 hertz which is most common
Thanks Jay, the office with that computer is a good drive off. I will try to swing by there tomorrow sometime and check that suggestion. If it works I will let you know ;)
Lol very true, if I get it fixed I am going to tell the woman not to say a word about it being fixed. Getting the company to spend money is almost impossible. With a new monitor on the way, I just wanted to make sure things get working as she handles a large load of work.
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