is it safe to change the color of a DVD-RW drive?

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No, they just editted it out.

Edit: The Shi**y was a joke because everyone here has these $1000 systems in their sigs. I considered making it into a serious banner in photoshop like they do. hehe.
Take the faceplate off, and the front plate on the drive tray (on most drives you can remove it)
Then spraypaint both of those. But don't spray paint the inside of the tray.

You would actually considering trashing a part because it doesn't look right?

Geez...when id the PC world become so stupid?

Just take off the bezel and spray paint will be fine...and the worst case scenario is that it breaks, and you buy a new one, which you planned to anyway...

LOL. I've done it to so many drives. Simple. Quick. Pull faceplate off. Spray paint it. Let it dry. Place faceplate back on drive. There, just saved you $30.
i painted a CD-drive years ago to match my old case at the time and all i did was mask off the bits i didnt want paint on and then sprayed it with a few coats of silver car paint, worked fine and looked spot on.
Of coarse you could knock the paint off if you hit it with something sharp but its a optical drive on a pc, nothing is going to touch it.
i painted a CD-drive years ago to match my old case at the time and all i did was mask off the bits i didnt want paint on and then sprayed it with a few coats of silver car paint, worked fine and looked spot on.
Of coarse you could knock the paint off if you hit it with something sharp but its a optical drive on a pc, nothing is going to touch it.

lol ok guys thanks.... i'm just gonna buy another optical drive and call it a day.....
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