whats cheaper to do?

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hahahahaha, but if laptops DIY were so easy dell would be screwed.... because thats their best business

Ehh... I dunno about that.

Every business and hospital and school I go to has massive amounts of Dell desktops.

While their laptops are popular, I would say they're desktops are more.

But that's not the discussion - and this is just my opinion anyway.
No...they don't suck. They only things bad about Dell desktops are the facts that they aren't upgradeable, they have terrible parts, and they have the word Dell on them. See, the don't suck ;)
Dells and the like are perfect for the masses. The people who don't bother to log into this forum and learn a thing or two about the reality of computer hardware.

Dell makes money off selling dozens or even hundreds to thousands of systems to large corporations to put on people's cubicle desks. No IT department wants the employees cracking into those cases in first place and its too costly for them to keep a warehouse full of parts to upgrade it in the second place. So they simply replace it with a new unit from the manufacturer.

Only a small fraction of the population really benefits from custom built systems (the people on these forums and others like it).
If your building a high-performance/enthusiast build, then it would be cheaper to build it yourself. Low-performance/general use it will be best to go with a vendor built system.

Even if they use the same hardware the pre-builts are almost always going to be more expensive than a DIY rig.
many people knock the big companies...and come here asking what's up with this and that...when of course they should know ;)

you can usually diy with pretty much the same parts, and sometimes cheaper than the big names, but you might forego a solid case for a slightly flimsy one, or cheaper peripherels, etc.

diy...you usually get a legit full copy of an OS, usually MS (vista baby) - intention is to, of course, buy your copy and not pirate it...

diy...you have to invest the time to put it together and warrant it yourself if you waste a part...

pre-builts...they do it for you for that little premium for service...but sometimes their service can blow some pretty big chunks.

all works out even depending on your outlook ;) I love DIY but never pass up the chance to buy some big name machines if you spot one on clearance for 1/3 or 1/2 it's retail value.
not to mention most proprietary systems come with a lot of crap loaded in that bogs down system performance. Most systems average around 30 processes running, which is absolutely ridiculous
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