Question about Logitech G15 Keyboard LCD

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Daemon Poster
How come it only monitors the RAM and the CPU shows up on the LCD but it doesnt have any percentage and the bar is always empty meaning its not monitoring it. I dont know what i did wrong :(

Also, stupid stickers that came with the computer parts. It was soo tempting putting it in the case and I did, now my case looks horrible, I stuck the stickers just all over the place not organized. :(
lol i had fun puttin of my stickers on but mine were in a neat row on the window lol.

yeah ive got the g15 and my lcd ram and cpu monitors fine. u can also download alot of applets from forums rec. by logitech if u want diff stuff eg. temps. but u can make them urself aswell with a program called lcdstudio
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