Can you split USB wiring?

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This may be an odd question, but here goes:

I have USB header pins on my motherboard (see specs below) and I was wondering, can you split the wiring for the pins to allow four usb ports instead of the default two? I know USB can be daisy-chained - will splitting the wiring have the same affect? I want to get two extra usb ports without having to buy a hub, if possible. Thanks for the help
I don't know if there's a way. I can only think of one way to find out. but the question really is, do you really want to find out if there is a career as an electrical engineer in your future?

me, I'd rather spend $15 and not risk my mobo. but that's me. ^_^ let me know how it goes if you try it. I'd be interested to see.
Thanks for the info - I haven't seen hubs that cheap, but I guess I can keep looking - I am not sure how much they are in the UK. (I guess I could try it, my mobo is on the fritz anyway!)
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