What parts can static damage?

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The Anti-wrist strap as long as it's a good one like Belkin...will always protect it from static electricity if you have it hooked up to the right place. I have never heard of an Anti-static strap not working...i did it on carpet and got away just fine.
when installing new components, i like to:
run around in my socks, dragging my feet on shag carpet and then try to not touch anything that can discharge the staic...
its like that game "operation" that you had when you were a kid.
I have honestly never used an anti-static strap before.. As long as you are careful, and make sure to discharge yourself, you should have a problem. If I remember correctly (going off memory here) a static shock is ~40 volts, and many circuit components can be fried with just a few volts. Be careful.
Many people do not feel a shock from a static electricity discharge less than about 2,000-4,000V.

Static shocks and how to avoid them

Some Examples of Voltage:

3,000 volts - the average human can't feel voltage below this threshold.
8,000 volts - yawning and stretching with clothes on.
15-20,000 volts - shoving a plastic-coated box across the carpet with foot.
18,000 volts - getting up from a foam cushion on a nylon-covered couch.
35,000 volts - walking across a typical carpet.

How To Protect Your Hard Drive Against Electrostatic Shock ~ IT Professionals

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