Whats better cod3 or Gears of War

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I thought CoD3 was more fun. It's not scary. Gears of War kinda creeped me out a bit.

That and I prefer first person to third person. :)
fade2black2004 said:
cod3 owns online mulitplayer but i never bothered with the sinlgle player and the opposite for gears

Are you serious? CoD3 is all about the single player. :)
I dunno, I played CoD3 all the way through single player, then I tried one round of CoD3 and I got owned. The single player has "sticky aim" ... more like an aimbot. That is pretty much necessary because the console controller is not good enough to aim at all.

Give me a mouse, or give me sticky aim.
Personally, i think GoW games should include more people...
but that might lag and that would be annoying.
cod3 has a big multiplayer with almost no lag!
Danks said:
COD2 is alot better then COD3 imo.


GoW is much better in my opinion but im bias because i'm a huge COD2 fan [sig] and im still bitter its not coming out for PC.......
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