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PowerQuest / Opera
I have a few GB's of MP3's that still need to be organized. Is there a program that can change the file names to Artist - Title.mp3 and also edits the tags?
I tried 30 programs; none of them worked properly.
As it turns out Musicmatch also has a file rename feature. I already knew it supported CDDB tagging.

I think I am gonna select all music at once and hope it doesn't screw up. Maybe I should make a backup first :p
This is gonna take a while. I decided not to make a backup, because all files are spread across tens of folders, which also contain plenty of other gigabytes. I just selected my entire partition.

"Connectivity error..." at 1100 out of 1304", grrrr :(

Gonna try again. This time I only selected the first 500, then do the other files afterwards.

Currently it is looking up the proper tags (artist, track, title, genre, year,...). After completion I will click the "rename files" button and select "artist" and "title" with " - " seperator. (Artist - Title.mp3).
It seems to have worked. But there are still many unidentified songs. Also, if the file name is Dj Name, it will not rename it to DJ Name. Very annoying.
baronvongogo said:
still sounds like an alright program I use this to rename files sometimes could give it a go:

ReNamer 4.21

That's a great tool. Works better and much faster than MusicMatch.

After tagging all MP3's using MusicMatch I still have to check all files because there are many wrong tags.

I clicked "rename files" in MusicMatch, but it crashed half way.
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